I’m aware that Leah strongly discourages using CH341a, but I understand that this is chiefly because it’s voltage is 5V, whiich risks burning the 1.8V or 3.3V datalines of the devices we’re librebooting.
At the same time, I’ve seen a popular video specifically recommending CH341a when librebooting an X200. I assume this advice should be ignored.
However, Leah also specifies that you can technically tweak the CH341a to reduce it’s voltage, following this guidance.
My question is: is this worth it, or is it safer to just use a Beaglebone Black/Raspbery Pi instead? What’s your experience been?
I’m unfortunately on a budget, and BB/RPi are both prohibitively expensive for me. Then again, so is a laptop that’s bricked thanks to an improperly fixed CH341a.
Have you had problems using a (tweaked or untweaked) CH341a? What’s your advice? I really appreciate it. Thanks!
I don’t have any experience with that but what I can tell you, you can build a voltage divider for using 2 resistors. So that’s definitely possible on a budget m
This is a handy calculator https://ohmslawcalculator.com/voltage-divider-calculator which you use to plugin the input and the desired output voltage. I hope that helps!