Support my channel on Patreon: this two-part investigative documentary series, I delve into the color corrective glasses indust...
What they can do is block certain light that overlaps in some of your rods and cones (colorblind) in your eyes allowing you to distinguish between colors you previously could not.
Not magic. Just pyshics. They do not fix the issue but it gives your brain new information that was previously obscured. Then your brain can use this info to distinguish between the two overlapping wavelengths that you previously could not.
What they can do is block certain light that overlaps in some of your rods and cones (colorblind) in your eyes allowing you to distinguish between colors you previously could not.
Not magic. Just pyshics. They do not fix the issue but it gives your brain new information that was previously obscured. Then your brain can use this info to distinguish between the two overlapping wavelengths that you previously could not.