• ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    In the U.S., we can probably blame farm subsidies for some of the obesity. Every politician supports corn subsidies (mostly because they all think they’ll be president someday and the Iowa Caucus is historically the first step to that). The result is that high fructose corn syrup is artificially cheap as an ingredient and industrial-sized food and soda producers use the fuck out of it.

    It’s not so much that corn sugar is worse for you than sugar cane sugar as that “Low fat!” marketed products are often loaded with added sugars (and salt) to make the product more palatable. You can’t expect consumers to sit at the grocery reading over every label.

    And all you need to know about diet recommendations in the U.S. are that they’re done by the Department of Agriculture and not the Department of Health and Human Services. It’s as stupid as asking an oil company executive to help decide how we stop digging up carbon-based molecules and lighting them on fire.