By the implied reasoning, is marketing an attempt to artificially simulate social pressure? I have questions.

Watching the Black Friday media coverage gives me the familiar feeling of just not getting it. I can see it happening and don’t understand why people accept(?) it. Sure, all hype is manufactured, but when people follow it, it becomes real - to them, anyhow. It’s actually fascinating.

I want to believe that I’m immune from marketing and hype, but I don’t think that can be completely true. Marketing also contributes to brand awareness which would still have an impact on trust when it comes to selecting products that you need. I do however think it’s much more difficult to convince me to buy a thing I don’t need by impulse. Objective reasoning always seems to take over. I don’t seem to be able to buy stuff I don’t need regardless of price. Maybe I’m depriving myself of potential happiness? Maybe I value reasoning above stuff? I don’t know.

Does anyone have any thoughts about what’s happening here?

    8 months ago

    A discussion about how you’re a special snowflake?