• Harvey656@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I never did delivery but I was a packer running 4 10s at 14 an hour and god it was unbelievably unbearable. I constantly had to hold my piss and the job was so boring just standing there in a line, unable to listen to music or even talk to your neighbors most of the time without getting a talking from your manager. Seriously worst job I ever had, if I was still working there damn right I’d be out there striking.

    Delivery must be a much nicer department than packing. Also I know for a fact the strikes are real I have a friend in it currently.

    • jaybone@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Why the fuck would they not let you talk to people around you? How does making you miserable increase productivity?

      I imagine music, if it’s on headphones, might be some kind of safety hazard.

      I would think a good manager might allow a speaker at a reasonable volume, provided a group in the area will not complain about the music choices of others. Then you have arguments the manager has to deal with. So I might understand the reason for that policy.

      EDIT maybe you give each person an hour to play the music they want. At their station, on their device.

      • Harvey656@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        You aren’t allowed to have any electronic devices, they are crazy about not letting anyone record things or show the outside world what it looks like inside the warehouses. Something about a ‘state of the art’ conveyor system.

        So no phones, watches, jewelry of any type. Also wasn’t allowed to have super baggy clothes or big jackets.