Welcome to Lemmy NZ

We don’t have many members, so until that changes, feel free to subscribe to communities on other instances.

At the top of the screen click Communities, then rather than Subscribed or Local, instead choose All.

This will show all the communities (like subreddits) that are currently federated (connected) with this instance (site).

You can comment on posts in these communities and interact with them the same as users on that instance, and others can subscribe to and post in our communities too.

On the home page, try the “All” tab to see all posts from all instances we federate with.

If you want more information on Lemmy and how it works, see How does this all work, anyway?

  • Dave@lemmy.nzOPM
    1 year ago


    Currently, there are 3 users, I didn’t want to have a bunch of communities created and no one in them, so I’ve disabled the option for users to create communities (this is toggle-able in Lemmy). I spent a bit of time on Beehaw.org before setting this up, and read a bit about their thought processes for why things are set up the way they are on their instance. I like the approach, and so have set some things up the same way they have.

    I haven’t disabled downvoting like they have. Undecided on that one, but I do see their point.

    I will create !newzealand, I do think that makes sense. I also think a !news@lemmy.nz makes sense, but probably for starters everything could just go in the !newzealand community. I also thought it would be cool to have a bot post news stories from RSS or even have a community where a bot posts the top stories from reddit’s r/newzealand so we can have our own conversations about them and not feel like we’re missing out on current events.

    I’m not a platform/DevOps engineer, so I may need help at some point! So far I’ve had the help I need from the Lemmy Instance Admins chat on Matrix. It was pretty straightforward to set up, I’ve seen much worse. But the instructions were not exhaustive :D

      • Dave@lemmy.nzOPM
        1 year ago

        Thanks for the offer! there are a couple of lemmy bots I’ve seen on Github, but like you I’m not sure it would be helpful yet. But probably eventually we will need it.