The most information I could find about it is a forum thread where angry FreeBSD fans react to an article talking about how the Nintendo Switch used FreeBSD components, which led to people mentioning the PlayStation 3 which led to a user talking about how Sony contributed upstream.
AFAIK it’s common knowledge that the PlayStation and the Switch use elements of the BSD software stack.
That may not automatically imply 100% contribution, since the license allows them to use, modify and ship those elements without giving them back to the community.
The most information I could find about it is a forum thread where angry FreeBSD fans react to an article talking about how the Nintendo Switch used FreeBSD components, which led to people mentioning the PlayStation 3 which led to a user talking about how Sony contributed upstream.
Which means I found literally nothing.
AFAIK it’s common knowledge that the PlayStation and the Switch use elements of the BSD software stack.
That may not automatically imply 100% contribution, since the license allows them to use, modify and ship those elements without giving them back to the community.
Thus the angry fans on the forum.
I’ve never understood that from BSD people. I mean that’s how the license is, what do they expect? 😁