• Rottcodd@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    My first reaction when I saw it was that it appears to be the case that the justices are not only corrupt, but stupid. Or pathological. Or both.

    It’s not just that it’s unenforceable - even though it’s unenforceable, it also goes out of its way to be weak and mealy-mouthed. They couldn’t even manage to make any clear statements - it’s all vaguely non-specific gestures that boil down to “we sort of think that justices maybe oughta not do things that might look bad to other people.” As if the whole notion of judicial ethics is so far outside of their awareness that they not only can’t impose any, but can’t even manage to put together a passable pretense.

    Presumably it was supposed to help - to make it look as if they do actually have some ethics. And it resoundingly failed.

    What it did for me was move me from reasonably sure that at least some of them are corrupt to dead certain that they all are, and not only corrupt but so grossly corrupt that they don’t even know how to pretend otherwise.