Are there any operating system designed to be as distraction free as possible?

Without internet access, as few programs as possible and with a layout that is designed to be boring.

    3 years ago

    not a bad idea. Kali, from what I recall, has a much prettier UI though. You can use a solid wallpaper, of course, or make your own wallpaper with things you need to remember listed. your apps will cover it up, but ctrl+alt+d will get you desktop. I have Debian with KDE, too, because it is easier than most others to add and delete sutff. KDE is very bloated, so you’ll need to delete a lot of stuff. I really love AntiX (Debian-bsed, but a bit harder since it has a separate repository) and it is so light that it still works well on a cheap 2.0 flahs drive. there are even lighter version (core, I think), but those take a lot more work to set up. Test out a few on flashdrives with persistence set up - before installing on a hard drive. The guy who mentioned terminal was right, though. More and more, I am finding terminal (for some things) better. I use a separate work space just for tmux and use mpv --no-video for music to drown out roommates, ranger in a few panes with micro editor customized, htop to close mpv when it misbehaves… There seem to be many autistic computerphiles, so you might also ask in their forums.