• @Ace0fBlades@lemmy.world
    898 months ago

    Always depressing when an internet mainstay goes under. I’m curious about who was so dedicated to keeping Omegle of all things off the web with attacks.

    These seem to be the years the websites are unable to make money any longer and if they can’t make money from the users they will fade away.

    We can only wait around and see what next shiny thing pokes it’s head around the corner to try and fill the video chat roulette

    • @mean_bean279@lemmy.world
      568 months ago

      It’s basically the dot com bubble all over again. These companies survived for years off free money and venture capitalists with seemingly endless pockets due to low interest rates. Now that rates are up the money is dry. Now that investors don’t have free money they want to see a return. Since these companies never could be profitable they’re now collapsing under their own weight.

      As for who was wanting to shut it down… basically any government agency dealing in child abductions, any mom group, “family” organization, incels/people mad at others for just being social. Just my guess.

    • WashedOver
      118 months ago

      I do recall trying out Chatroulette when it first came out but it was a lot of mushroom caps I wasn’t interested in seeing so I didn’t stick around long.

      Back before that when I was dating some of that included the personal section of Craigslist. Unfortunately there was some horrible attacks of sex trade workers that used the personals down in the US and then the US government came together to “protect” people by holding the websites liable.

      In the process the personal section of CL which included dating and penpals was closed. Many people met their spouses and had long term relationships and friendships as a result of CL that they wouldn’t have had in real life. I think it some ways that dating section was much better than the juiced up dating sites that have followed since. They are more about driving revenue than true connections.

      I’m not sure if they solved the sex trade problem, but I don’t think they have won the war on drugs either. Much like the gun lobbying crowd say innocent gun owners shouldn’t be affected I would think in the same way users of internet services shouldn’t be either.

      But life isn’t so black and white and many of us are unable to get beyond this stage of adolescence…

  • loobkoob
    758 months ago

    Well I’m just glad Harry Mack managed to release his 100th episode of “Omegle Bars” this week. He decided to take a break from doing Omegle-based content at the right time, it seems.

    For anyone who doesn’t know, Harry Mack’s a freestyle rapper. He has (had) a series where he’d ask strangers on Omegle to give him a handful of words and then create a full song out of them on the fly. And not just saying those words then immediately moving on like most freestyle rappers do; he actually creates entire verses on the topics he’s given and really raps around them. Plus he’d be calling out things the people were doing as they react to him, responding to things they say, mentioning things he can see in the room, etc, as he raps.

    Here’s one of his freestyles that’s really stuck with me ever since I first saw it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehcA4zCeaPI

    He takes what are some fairly negative, “cry for help” words from the girls and turns them into a really beautiful, positive rap overall. He’s a very positive guy in general, and I’ve watched him consistently since I discovered him. Binging his videos got me through a breakup, in fact.

    My own experiences with Omegle have either been penises or just bland, and it’s not something I’ve used for many years as a result. But videos like Harry Mack’s show what wonderful things could come from it and I do think it’s a huge shame it’s gone. It feels like another part of the old internet’s gone, and that we’re moving even closer to the sanitised, heavily-monetised internet run by megacorporations. I hate that.

  • @swearengen
    8 months ago

    Wow that was a great read. Leif comes across as very perceptive on multiple fronts here.

    Unfortunately I think his warning about the internet ending up like “souped up TV” is looking more likely by the day.

    Right now it’s quite easy to force a site or service to bend the knee to outside pressure. No matter how right or wrong that pressure is. People will go after hosting and ISPs, if that doesn’t work they’ll tie people up directly in the courts. You must provide real contact info and be willing to play ball if you operate on the old web.

    Embracing encryption is the only thing I can think to do to avoid that. Which honestly kind of sucks, because while true anonymity would save sites like Omegle who act in good faith and police themsevles in a reasonable manner, others that don’t will also be protected. I think the pros out weigh the cons with anonymity but that is a hard pill to swallow for many.

      • ArxCyberwolf
        48 months ago

        TheDooo, Harry Mack and Marcus Veltri were still very much making Omegle videos as recently as weeks ago. Huge loss for them that Omegle is gone.

  • @StraightArrow@feddit.de
    348 months ago

    Sad news.

    I tried Omegle years ago close to when it came out and it was fun entertainment for a short while, though I didn’t stick around because one of the issues was that if you ended up striking an interesting and wholesome conversation, you’d never meet this person again and this bothered me.

    Reading its epitaph shows there was a lot of work done on it to maintain it and catch evil users, so I’m much more impressed now.

    RIP Omegle, you were a nice experiment!

    • @Faresh@lemmy.ml
      28 months ago

      I didn’t stick around because one of the issues was that if you ended up striking an interesting and wholesome conversation, you’d never meet this person again and this bothered me.

      Couldn’t you have offered some permanent contact such as social network profile to remain in contact with that human?

      • @averyminya@beehaw.org
        17 months ago

        Facebook was too new/personal and MySpace was basically already dead. There were few other forums that were “universal”.

        AOL was popular but I never got on it. IRC was good but complicated for people not on it. Everything else was basically forums, so if you were lucky and they had Gaia Online or IMVU then maybe you’d have a chance.

        Personally, I think that whole idea is what made Omegle have great potential. The fleeting experience of brief friendships are far less common today than they used to be. How many playdates did you have with friends that only ever happened maybe 5 times total? How many people on planes or travel busses did you converse with, never to see or hear from again? This is the human experience and in a way it’s still there but now it’s just “ghosting” because you “can” stay in contact.

        I dunno. Personally I think the guy I met on a plane at 13 who is still reaching out to me on Facebook over a decade later is kinda weird, regardless of intent at this point, and I could see Omegle having the same issue in that regard.

        All this said - email was pretty safe and I was surprised it wasn’t utilized more often for this purpose. It was a legitimate issue for online friends back in the day when it probably didn’t need to be, lol.

  • Feyter
    188 months ago

    Can someone explain in short what problem people had about Omegle?

    Was it that you can say things (and show things) there to a random person without any good possibility to trace it back to you because it’s anonymous and more “temporary” then something like Lemmy for example?

    Or was it just a witch hunt without any real reasonable structure?

      • Feyter
        218 months ago

        Ok, sounds like the standard claim for everything to me to be honest.

        • @SaakoPaahtaa@lemmy.world
          158 months ago

          It’s crazy to sometimes stop to think about how many nice things we could have if it wasn’t for pedophiles. Not a joke either, actually give it some thought.

          • body_by_make
            218 months ago

            A lot of people also use pedophiles as a basis for their nefarious plans. “Protect the children” is a rallying cry of the alt right, despite how many child rapists exist in the cult.

            • @SaakoPaahtaa@lemmy.world
              18 months ago

              For sure but there are legit cultural things too that are affected. Say you walk by a playground and a kid falls off a tree or something and hurts himself, you can’t see the kids parents anywhere and consoling him would risk you being perceived as a pervert. For consoling a kid that hurt itself. Like jesus what the fuck

            • @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
              -58 months ago

              The “alt-right” never think about the children nor have they done anything with children as an excuse. That was the rallying cry of the “Compassionate Conservatives” and the televangelists who banned video games and rap music in the 90’s and also why you have to click “yes I’m 18” on many websites including lemmy. “Think of the children” is just what authoritarians use as an excuse to push their agenda whether that is ensuring the State has a monopoly on violence, or trying to ban things they don’t like.

              • body_by_make
                58 months ago

                What the fuck are you talking about? They’ve definitely been using children as an excuse as they attack libraries. Pay attention.

                • @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
                  -18 months ago

                  That seems like normal conservative stuff to me. No need to call it the “alt-right” which in itself is a normalizing term that provides cover for the conservatives culture warriors that have existed forever.

        • @merthyr1831@lemmy.world
          18 months ago

          Yeah I remember using it and you had a bunch of creeps on there that sadly aren’t unique to omegle, but once one site gets a reputation of any kind its hard to beat.

        • @duncesplayed@lemmy.one
          8 months ago

          Omegle is a bit of a unique case due to their persistent non-action. Most places, if people start grooming children or broadcasting child porn, they’ll start banning offenders at the very lest. Omegle, nah.

          At one point, they put a warning splash screen “Careful: there are pedophiles that use this” or something like that, but they took the warning down after a while. And eventually they did officially say that you can’t use the site if you’re a minor, but of course it was just enforced through the honour system.

          Those are literally the only two actions they ever took to address criminal content and behaviour.

      • cannache
        08 months ago

        Nah it’s the degree of creepiness and antisocial attitudes that can come free under the strange mix of anonymity, risk of doxxing and other things

        • @merthyr1831@lemmy.world
          08 months ago

          I think those had an effect, though from my brief reading of the post he seems to blame criticism of CSAM prevention and moderation.

  • @leanleft@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    similar to craigslist personals.
    and look how much better the world is now. /sarcasm