It should not take three minutes to cross a road
Yet as @DrTCombs shows in this video, many road crossings are designed to make pedestrians wait at least that long before getting a walk signal.
This video shows one such crossing in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, but there are many more intersections like this across North America, Australia, and New Zealand.
#cycling #pedestrians #walkablecities #walking #urbanism #UrbanPlanning #planning #bike #cycle #cities @fuck_cars @green @urbanism
@james @DrTCombs @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars @green Wow - that’s pretty authoritarian, like mandating helmets for #cyclists. But is it enforced?
@stuart @james @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars @green my overwhelming hunch is that those fines have nothing to do with pedestrian safety and everything to do with getting the intersection clear so drivers aren’t inconvenienced for a split second.
@DrTCombs @james @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars @green Spot on. It was very evident when they reconfigured #Sydenham’s high street. The consultation was heavy on zebra crossings (pedestrian has priority). What happened The existing one was removed and we have controlled crossings with long lead times.
The justification was it maximised traffic flow essential for TfL buses at a South #London pinch point. Except we have parking bays on both sides when a bus lane would have solved that issue.