toot by

    11 months ago

    I disagree - the thing that got him his initial fortune was PayPal, and frankly that was mostly luck and good timing.

    Everything we’ve heard from actual employees at the places hes owned paints a very clear picture that they succeed in spite of him, not because of him.

    The two things he’s good at are

    1. Identifying potentially successful companies early on, so he can get in early and pretend he invented it - which is admitedly a valuable talent, but only in a zero-value capitalist sort of way

    2. Marketing himself - though it’s increasingly clear that this talent was short lived, and most have seen behind the curtain at this point. The people who like him today mostly just like him because he’s saying the shit they want to hear, even the conservatives I know no longer think he’s some tech genius

    Everything else has just been luck and timing. If I go out and buy a lottery ticket tomorrow and will a billion dollars, I’m not good at buying lottery tickets