Authorities reportedly issued the alert in mid-September, urging officers to keep an eye out for Card.

    8 months ago

    We haven’t set up laws, procedures, or funding to follow up on reports like this in anything resembling a reasonable fashion.

    Because the gun lobby fights against this type of thing every step of the way. Furthermore, police are often right wingers part of the machine fighting against firearms legislation. Maybe part of the reason is that some sources suggest that up to 40% of police may be domestic abusers and certainly are going to be against laws that take their guns away.

      8 months ago

      Of course the gun lobby fights against gun control measures. Of course billionaires fight for lower corporate and high income bracket taxes. If course oil and gas companies fight to neuter the EPA. These things are in their best interest from a financial perspective and money is all our society really cares about.

      That’s my point. We all say we want to fix healthcare but we don’t fight for it the way insurance companies fight to keep their profits. The best you’ll get from the vast majority of us is a few articles posted on social media throughout the year and perhaps a small donation to a charity or political entity supporting the cause.

      We have to fight for these changes, and in some cases I do mean physically fight, or else we’ll never get them. That lesson has been lost history and as a consequence no one in power is afraid to disappoint us.