Central Maine Medical Center said staff were “reacting to a mass casualty, mass shooter event” and were coordinating with area hospitals to take in patients.
You might not be aware but people who own guns for defense aren’t only “worried” about other people with guns, you can also use them legally to defend yourself against knives, blunt instruments, multiple attackers, and any other deadly threats. Idk about you but I’d rather brandish or even fire a gun at a guy than be stabbed or sliced open by him. I’d also rather be able to shoot a mass shooter if the opportunity presented itself than simply die in the same scenario, even if you "shelter in place” if he gets in the room I’d rather be able to make a last stand than hold my hands up like the old guy in the red sweater (guess I’ll die meme.)
Also that isn’t actually true, if you’re suicidal and don’t own a gun you probably own some [OTC MEDS REDACTED], hell you may even already have a real drug problem that happens to accidentally kill +96,000 people a year (36,000 more than guns including suicide), you don’t just “not do it” because “no gun.” (Also anyone considering, don’t, seek help.) Personally I think the best way to mitigate your chance of dying in a mass shooting is to become someone willing and able to save yourself should that proverbial lighning strike. What’s the best way to mitigate your chance of fire? No electricity and never cook, right? Well that isn’t realistic, so we buy fire extinguishers. Sure we have the fire department, but we also recognize it’s best if people on site can stop the fire early with the extinguisher because they can act quicker, similar principles apply to the mass shootings, it’s just that guns are a bit more of a responsibilty than fire extinguisgers, thus the CCWs and NICs checks, and all that.
You might not be aware but people who own guns for defense aren’t only “worried” about other people with guns, you can also use them legally to defend yourself against knives, blunt instruments, multiple attackers, and any other deadly threats. Idk about you but I’d rather brandish or even fire a gun at a guy than be stabbed or sliced open by him. I’d also rather be able to shoot a mass shooter if the opportunity presented itself than simply die in the same scenario, even if you "shelter in place” if he gets in the room I’d rather be able to make a last stand than hold my hands up like the old guy in the red sweater (guess I’ll die meme.)
Also that isn’t actually true, if you’re suicidal and don’t own a gun you probably own some [OTC MEDS REDACTED], hell you may even already have a real drug problem that happens to accidentally kill +96,000 people a year (36,000 more than guns including suicide), you don’t just “not do it” because “no gun.” (Also anyone considering, don’t, seek help.) Personally I think the best way to mitigate your chance of dying in a mass shooting is to become someone willing and able to save yourself should that proverbial lighning strike. What’s the best way to mitigate your chance of fire? No electricity and never cook, right? Well that isn’t realistic, so we buy fire extinguishers. Sure we have the fire department, but we also recognize it’s best if people on site can stop the fire early with the extinguisher because they can act quicker, similar principles apply to the mass shootings, it’s just that guns are a bit more of a responsibilty than fire extinguisgers, thus the CCWs and NICs checks, and all that.