I set my bath pillow on fire once - while I was in the bath. I was well impressed with my quick thinking just to yank in down into the bathwater to put it out. My partner was too unimpressed with my stupidity/carelessness to appreciate my quick reflexes!
Candles around the bath! One behind my head got a bit out of control and caught the bath pillow. It was made from something super flammable (or inflammable?) so it went up quickly. It singed a few hairs and the pillow was ruined, but no injuries or damage otherwise!
Both mean the same thing! Thanks to the confusing English language, we have to use “non-flammable” to make it clear that something is NOT flammable/inflammable.
Me: what do you do in the event of a fire?
Genius: I’d be in the pool, i’in’t? /Taps head
I set my bath pillow on fire once - while I was in the bath. I was well impressed with my quick thinking just to yank in down into the bathwater to put it out. My partner was too unimpressed with my stupidity/carelessness to appreciate my quick reflexes!
What in the fuck could you possibly be doing where you find yourself in a situation where your pillow is on fire? While bathing?
I’m with your partner on this one.
Candles around the bath! One behind my head got a bit out of control and caught the bath pillow. It was made from something super flammable (or inflammable?) so it went up quickly. It singed a few hairs and the pillow was ruined, but no injuries or damage otherwise!
Both mean the same thing! Thanks to the confusing English language, we have to use “non-flammable” to make it clear that something is NOT flammable/inflammable.