• OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The West is sucking so much that it makes Russia and China make good points. Does Israel deserve criticism for it’s actions? Obviously yes. Collective punishment is a war crime and cutting off water to civilians is fucking appalling even if it wasn’t. And that’s just the start of the list.

    Did the US condemn them? Not really. Something something right to defend itself. Did Russia? Yep.

    Obviously this isn’t enough for Russia to launder it’s appearance in most people’s eyes but they are still right to condemn Israel and some people will shift their view on Russia as a result. And what benefit is Israel to America, exactly? Biden making himself look like an accessory to war crimes because America is too deep in to admit it shouldn’t be supporting an ethnostate that’s been maintaining an open air prison for 16 years or however god damn long.

    This situation is a failure of the global community, but especially America.

    Obligatory list:

    Fuck Russia

    Fuck China

    Fuck Israel

    Fuck Hamas

    And fuck you, the reader, just in case you haven’t sufficiently condemned Hamas today.