Yep been there. Whist on an overseas holiday. Could not leave the hotel room for 24 hours. Was starting to panic about what to do if it keeps going but thankfully seemed to resolve. Don’t know if it was food poisoning or gastro, but single worst sick day ever.
Sipping something very slowly through straw helps to get liquids in. Cold drinks and ice.
Yep been there. Whist on an overseas holiday. Could not leave the hotel room for 24 hours. Was starting to panic about what to do if it keeps going but thankfully seemed to resolve. Don’t know if it was food poisoning or gastro, but single worst sick day ever. Sipping something very slowly through straw helps to get liquids in. Cold drinks and ice.
Yeah that’s pretty much what I’m doing. Hard not to scoff it because I haven’t eaten properly in like 24 hours