• fosforus
      11 months ago


      Subject: Compliance Directive 9A: Surveillance and Biometric Control Measures
      To All Units of Sector 542,
      Under Directive 9A, endorsed by the Supreme Oversight Committee, the following protocols 
      are to be unconditionally and immediately integrated into your daily existence:
          Eternal Watch Protocol: All habitation zones will now be fitted with Panopticon Visual Capture Devices (PVCDs). These devices
          will record every corner, shadow, and molecule of your personal space, without interruption or darkness. Any attempt to obstruct,
          dismantle or deactivate will trigger the Containment Protocol, sealing off your habitation zone indefinitely.
          Bloodstream Vigilance: Each unit is to report to their designated compliance chamber for immediate installation of the Hemodynamic
          Regulation Implant (HRI). This implant will monitor your internal rhythms, ensuring maximum efficiency and loyalty to the company's 
          objectives. Discrepancies in readings, suggestive of subversive thoughts or emotions, will result in immediate recalibration by the 
      Do not be deceived into thinking that silence or solitude remains available to you; the HRI is attuned to your very synapses. 
      Deviation from the norm will not be tolerated.
      Remember, resistance is futile. The future has arrived, and it has been optimized for the benefit of McDonaldsAppleShell. 
      Your complete submission ensures the smooth operation of our collective machinery. Every heartbeat, every thought, every 
      shadow now belongs to the Oversight.
      Do not seek escape. Do not whisper rebellion. The all-seeing eye is upon you, and the machinery of compliance is inexorable.
      Conform. Comply. Conquer your weaknesses.
      Your existence is the price for the progress of McDonaldsAppleShell.
      Ever watchful,
      Supreme Director Smith
      Overseer of Sector 542, Supreme Oversight Committee.