As is the case with everything published by Malaysiakini, the BM/Malay version is not paywalled and that’s what I linked to. If you have an active subscription with them, you can view their full articles in English and Chinese. That said, they left the quiz and poll sections open for everyone to interact with. Check that out to find out what’s in store for you this budget and vote up or down selected policies listed by the News Lab team.

Given how little coverage this community has on this year’s budget (at the moment), and how little info the government has provided in the few days after Anwar tabled the budget, the infographics that I linked provide much-needed context. In it, these points are addressed:

  • How the government plans to handle the burgeoning subsidies and make them more targeted
  • How the debt-to-GDP ratio look like for next year, and plans to bring it down to 60% in stages
  • How the government increase revenue when contribution from petroleum is expected to drop next year
  • How allocations to various ministries differ between Budget 2023 and 2024
  • How expenditures across various sectors differ between five administrations (Najib to Anwar)

There may be more sections added to this news feature as the new week starts. I’ll update the points above if needed. What do you think about Budget 2024? Share your thoughts below.