I really love beautiful books and collecting them. I have a few of those classic hard bound books from Barnes & Noble and some of the imitation leathers from Discount Books, but I see the Folio Society and am shocked at the price.

But I hear the quality is great.

I’m considering purchasing Rendezvous with Rama. The art looks beautiful and the story sounds super intriguing, but it’s $100…

Are they worth the price?

Have you ever purchased one and thought it was a waste?

  • dhork@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My dad has a few of these. They do a very good job with the physical book, and commission their own high-quality artwork. They are quite expensive, though. They are meant for people who already love the story, will appreciate the care taken to make the book, and perhaps most importantly, have several hundred dollars of disposable income that they can drop on something which is functionally identical to something they can buy in paperback for $10.

    They are, ironically, extremely impractical for actually reading.