Morale at work has been super low for the past few years, ever since the CEO/President bragged about how well they did in 2021 “record profits, over and beyond anything we ever expected” and 2022 “we barely made more than we did last year”, but none of that success trickled down to the people responsible for that success. I’m surrounded by people actively looking for work elsewhere. So, to keep people from quitting, the company forced everyone to sign the agreement in the Imgur link I’ve attached. Of course it gives all power to the company, and of course we had to sign it under penalty of losing our jobs immediately.

This of course is in addition to Top Management blaming the Bottom Management for the morale issue, and rebranding poor morale as an “engagement issue”. They’re also forcing the workers to come up with solutions for the “engagement issue”, going so far as to put it on our annual reviews. Part of our “goals for the upcoming year” is to deal with “low engagement”. That’s right, if we don’t come up with solutions for our own morale problem, it will look poorly on our reviews.

I have worked for some brain-dead companies before, but I’ve never seen such myopia in Leadership. At least previously I knew I was getting fucked on purpose. Right now I’m not sure if it’s an accident.

    1 year ago

    Due to being overbroad, these kinds of boilerplate agreements are largely unenforceable of challenged.

    However most folks can’t afford the lawyer.

      1 year ago

      It’s not even necessary to challenge it. You quit, go work for a competitor, they send you an angry lawyers letter threatening you, you ignore it and the company backs down. Unless you are legitimately stealing their customers, it’s not even worth the cost of filing a lawsuit for an employer to go after an employee for violating a non-compete, so they just stop at the angry lawyers letter.

        1 year ago

        Most are not in a position to afford such a risk. Council may be able to give advice aligned with your suggestion, but access remains a barrier.

        Liberal systems are framed as giving freedom to everyone, but in fact they simply support the preexisting conditions of social stratification and marginalization. Unfortunately, unless workers support each other directly, the few will remain powerful and many more will remain disenfranchised.