• @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        There is a problem with this:

        • workarounds are not solutions. this is only good when there is no alternative but this is not the case.
        • rights are not guaranteed by making the user work more to get their rights back and just masking the issue (privacy, free software use, etc)
        • that workaround works around certain web browsers, but not all, specially if they don’t support webextensions.
        • the “can go off-line” argument is a bit of personal undermining to the projects itself. There are plenty instances managed by organizations working as teams where this could be very difficult. You don’t need to be Google or Cloudflare to reach an acceptable support. In fact, I can ask with another reply following that logic: why are you using that Lemmy instance?
        • serenity
          01 year ago

          workarounds are not solutions. this is only good when there is no alternative but this is not the case.

          The problem with Invidious here is that there are many instances and quality goes up and down. I have been emailing with friends a long time ago using one Invidious instance in the web links that I shared. A month later the instance was completely gone, which means that all the web links turned into 404 errors or time outs. My web browser suggestion works fine for most people and redirects to a random Invidious or Newpipe instance, or if you change settings to a preferred instance. Suggesting that all users on Lemmy will only post Invidious or PeerTube web links and not YouTube links can lead to web link rot.

          • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            You can always use the web redirector that is now redirect.invidious.io/ in the case you want to use Invidious, however, my point also covers PeerTube instances.

            A link shared to a web redirector doesn’t cut rights to anyone in that sense. And every working Invidious instance includes a redirector too in the button “use other Invidious instance” or something similar :3

  • d-RLY?
    31 year ago

    Nice to see! I have added the crawler extension and the search to my Firefox. Also I use the DDG extension because of the “Bangs” feature that allows quickly using other search engines. Which I love and keeps it as my default. So I just submitted !MWMBL on the DDG Bang! page so that it might be added on there. No idea if it will be approved of course, but would maybe be helpful if it is.

      • d-RLY?
        11 year ago

        Np, I was glad to see that they didn’t mess it up by only allowing their instance (which we all agree would be dumb lol). Not gonna lie, Vivaldi has come a long way and I love how they seem to be trying to bring back the old Netscape Communicator style suite of things. Firefox is still gonna be my main, but Vivaldi might be my new favorite Chromium-based browser now. Having a sidebar of active Mastodon feeds is pretty dope, and the RSS reader looks better than Thunderbird. The gestures are also better than the add-ons on Firefox and the other Chromium browsers. I wish Mozilla would at least release some official add-ons to allow adding some of this while keeping it compatible with the flow of the main browser.

        Sorry for the rant, I am just really impressed and needed to get it out. lol

  • @Zerush@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I use Andisearch, also as PWA in mobile. It’s an AI search assistant, 100% privacy focused, no tracks, ads or logs, reader view of webpages, Video view in search results, Bangs, alternatives websearches with several engines, OpenSource. Anyway I added mwmbl to my list, it’s a very good engine, I only miss the image and video opcion.

      • @Zerush@lemmy.ml
        11 year ago

        It is, but Andi is still in development. There is a community in Discord where you can speak with the 2 devs, Angie Hoover and Jed White, that is the whole company. Anyway wors fine with 100% privacy.

        • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          It is, but Andi is still in development

          Then it is not yet. :/

          It does not make it Open Source in the moment they claim it. Open Source has requirements stated already by OSI. It is or it isn’t and there is no middle term.

          Open Source requirements imply the same for Free Software plus some additional ones.

          It is a bit sad they are only available using yet another nonFree platform.

          • @Zerush@lemmy.ml
            21 year ago

            You say it, not yet. I’m not sure it would make sense to publish all the source code, more than the basic one, on Github, if it is an experimental alpha product, in intensive development and improvements and changes every few days. It is enough for me that it really respects privacy and, even in alpha, it is extremely practical.

            Anyway, as you can see in my screenshot above, that I use apart a lot of diferent search engines and specific site searches, depending of what I need to search. I use Andi as first search for the daily common use, for which is normally enough, giving me direct answers and not only a list with not related results.

      • @Zerush@lemmy.ml
        11 year ago

        I don’t know, AFAIK in it’s final version, they’ll have a paid plan for companies with extra features respect colaboration and business use. As I say, in the moment its in an experimental alpha phase.

      • @leanleft@lemmy.ml
        11 year ago

        bigger than the… (currently: nearly zero) community initiatives that work to provide the general public with a baseline solution in this space.
        yacy might be comparable. but yacy is complicated and has some other issues.

  • @wiki_me@lemmy.ml
    21 year ago

    There are already open source search engines , I am worried this is just too much fragmentation , I think somehow having more collaboration would be useful (starting a non profit with a formal governance model where you can solve disputes could help).

      • @wiki_me@lemmy.ml
        11 year ago

        I think a good governance model is important, maybe copy the model of a well known university (harvard/MIT) or use some kind of open source project as a case study (kde seems good).

  • 56!
    11 year ago

    Is there anything stopping the crawler add-on from using my computer to access illegal content? Within a few seconds of running it, it was already crawling various porn websites.