The interesting part in this article starts at the paragraph starting with : The biggest name in the Twitter replacement game is Mastodon
The interesting part in this article starts at the paragraph starting with : The biggest name in the Twitter replacement game is Mastodon
@Tempo @serenity Well, ‘Twitter staff can read DMs’ is a bit of an understatement.
“Private” direct messages can be read by any third party app to which you’ve given Twitter #OAuth permission.–who-is-reading-your-dms–there-s-an-app-for-that—.html
The big difference is that when client apps, be it for Twitter or just a regular old e-mail client reads your content - it’s working as intended.
If twitter staff does, they’re not.
Assuming they’re breaking user agreements etc.
@coldhotman I tend to agree with your statement concerning client apps because your data stays on your local device (unless that app is spyware). However, the concerning apps are 3d party cloud-services which use the twitter api. These include cloud automation. social media monitoring, and social media backup services. These services pull ‘private’ data directly off the twitter servers.