Why doesn’t firefox use searx.me as its default search engine and doesn’t even offer it as a suggestion, as suggest Bing, Yahoo, Google and others?

  • ufra@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    While completely understanding that an email client is orders of magnitude less than a browser resource wise and is not going head to head with a chrome monster, could you get 150M from a group of not google customers, move it into MZLA and operate firefox at 100x the cost of Thunderbird?

    The entire Thunderbird project moved from being a part of Mozilla Foundation, which it was a part of since 2017, to the newly founded MZLA Technologies Corporation.

    On the spending side, expenses amounted to $1.55 million US Dollars in 2020. Most of the money was spent on personnel, more than 82% …

    The Thunderbird team consists of 15 people currently, the majority are engineers …
