What are your thoughts on episodes 8-13 of Moving? I’m making a separate post for these episodes because I think the parents’ backstories deserve a separate discussion.

  • pillems@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I waited to watch this until every episode was out. Currently at around ep 10 I think, just after the balcony kiss. It’s been a while since I blushed so hard at an onscreen kiss and this was already pretty tame! Loved the parents’ backstories! I don’t like the boss, but had to give him credit for playing the matchmaker.

    I was tearing up when Bongseok revealed that his dreams were actual memories of him spending time with his dad when he was young. Imagine being bored on a plane and looking out the window, to witnessing a father-son lovely bonding time among the clouds lol.

    Came for the badass superheroes theme, didn’t expect to be hit in the feels about the lengths parents would go to protect their children.