The fact that self driving cars exist is an admission that driving a car can really suck. Navigating busy suburbs and cities in a car is a stressful experience, especially when people are commuting to or from work.

I don’t think cars should be completely eliminated, as they have their place, but the existence of self driving cars is strong evidence of the insanity of the car being the only feasible way to get around some parts of the world.

    2410 months ago

    Like riding horses, driving a car should become a hobby.

    Once you’ve lived in a walkable neighborhood, everything else just pales in comparison.

    • Neuromancer
      310 months ago

      I agree with the walkable comment. I use to live in downtown Chicago. I loved it. I could walk to do 90% of my chores within a mile of my home.

    1310 months ago

    I have found that the self driving cars actually do yield to me in the crosswalk, which is nice. Contrast to human drivers who will try to run me over because I need to “get out of the street” while crossing . Parked vehicles block emergency vehicles countless times daily… but you don’t hear about that shit do you? Also SFFD park their emergency vehicles on the tram tracks when they don’t need to. Delaying thousands of commuters, all while letting people in cars go past the accident scene unhindered. SF is at war with its transit riders. SF is corrupt. It takes 7 fucking years to remove one parking spot. There’s so much more to this shit saga.

      10 months ago

      I have also found this to be true. What I don’t like is that there is no way to be certain that they do see you.

      As a pedestrian/cyclist, it is very easy to see if the driver sees you/doesn’t see you. And cross accordingly.

      Self driving cars, you simply have to hope and pray while you cross.

    910 months ago

    Personal cars and communities are mutually exclusive. Cars make sense in places too sparsely populated to have a community, or where people don’t want to be part of a community.

    • TheHalc
      10 months ago

      I understand where you’re coming from, but some of the strongest communities are in rural places where public transport is unfortunately not a sustainable option.

      210 months ago

      The reason places are too sparse is because cars. They take too much space.

  • credit crazy
    810 months ago

    Personally I don’t get the appeal of self driving cars maybe that’s because I enjoy driving manuals but in terms of making a city efficient you want ways to get around without a car in the first place with transportation like trains or bikes or just walking and for those who live in the middle of nowhere and in the future are going to be the last people to drive cars to get around those folks tend to be car guys and car guys like to be in control of the car hence why a lot of them drive stick shift when automatic exists all around if we as a society evolve in a utopian direction self driving cars are a solution without a problem to fix not to mention how many of the corpos that are likely to make these cars they are most sertanly going to put some sort of spy ware that a few will get up into arms about

    • @neanderthal@lemmy.worldOP
      610 months ago

      making a city efficient you want ways to get around without a car in the first place

      I couldn’t agree more.

      110 months ago

      In terms of how it can form part of a transport network, demand responsive transport could (and maybe should) form a part of our future infrastructure.

      For cities in particular, there is major demand for radial trips (i.e. trips to and from the centre). However, there is much lower demand for trips between suburbs (e.g. to and from the supermarket). If we want to eliminate the need for car ownership, we either need to eliminate suburbs as a concept (not likely), or make these trips able to be made by publically owned transport. Buses aren’t worth running in these cases because demand is so low and irregular.

      Here’s where demand responsive transport comes in. Have a fleet of publicly owned self-driving cars that people can book trips on. They get a lift with these to and from the shops/library/friend’s house, and they no longer need to own a car.

      Other example: at the other end of a long train journey to a rural area. You have a fleet of self driving cars based at the station, which solely do trips to/from the station.

      • credit crazy
        110 months ago

        Good point but from what I understand about suburbs is that they are awfully designed with roads that connect and bend for no reason resulting in situations where it takes 2 minutes to walk to your left next door nabor and a 30 minute drive to visit your next door nabor on the other side of your house all because the road just ends but there’s more suburb beyond if we just made them grids suddenly it takes a lot more acors to make a suburbs bikeable we could probably make them walkable by ditching the single house per block and just use multi story apartment buildings I’m not even trying to defend suburbs I’d be more than extatic to have them torn down and made into normal cities or better yet actual countryside that they originally bulldozed to build them in the first place I’ve seen a plenty of beloved farm land that used to be grased upon by adorable cows and sheep get flattend and drained just to make a waste of space

        • @neanderthal@lemmy.worldOP
          110 months ago

          You are correct about suburbia. There are also typically no sidewalks and minimal shoulders, so even if you live within walking or biking distance of places, it is dangerous to not drive there.

          In the US, some of this stems from racism. I don’t feel like getting into the history of it, but if you are interested, red lining, restrictive covenants, and using the cost of car dependency as a racial filter are good starters. Basically, the US suburb situation came about partially due to racism, and partially due to hostile takeover of transportation infrastructure and PR campaigns by corporations.