A soldier with the Texas National Guard allegedly fired a gun near the U.S.-Mexico border, hitting a 22-year-old man across the border in Mexico.

Mexican authorities and an advocate for human rights say the bullet crossed the border from El Paso on Saturday near the Bridge of the Americas.

It then struck the man in the leg in Ciudad Juarez.

According to the Border Network for Human Rights (BNHR), that man was not attempting to cross the border, but practicing sports with a group.

  • fluke@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    An act of war is only such if the other side recognises it as such.

    So if Mexico decide to see this has an isolated incident that can sorted out with some phone calls and hand wringing then it ‘quite literally’ isn’t.

    And of course that’s what going to happen. To the point where it’s not even worth mentioning that war will happen. In short, a rediculous comment.