I had posted a post regarding wanting to buy a gaming laptop, but it turned out to a discussion about budget and such I didn’t get much much info from it…

Forget about budget and other stuff and all. If you HAVE to buy a laptop and gaming IS a requirement, what would you look? which brands are good or bad?

  • cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business
    2 years ago

    I’ve had reasonable luck and been reasonably happy with Asus laptops, specifically the G14 and G15 models.

    Currently have a 2022 G14 (the all AMD one wth a 6900hs and 6700s) and it’s… fine. It’s hot, loud, and has lousy battery life but that’s just gaming laptop life.

    Only thing I would comment on Asus laptops is their fans are absolute shit and you will - not may - have to replace them after about a year. I’ve had 4 Asus laptops and all 4 of them have fallen prone to this specific failure. It’s easy enough to do (a couple of screws) and like $15 for the fans, but still, it’s a pretty consistent failure.

      • cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business
        2 years ago

        I don’t have any personal experience with TUF laptops, so I can’t really offer an informed opinion on it. But I assume that’s just the slightly more plastic version of their other laptops, so it’s probably no worse than any other Asus laptop, though maybe a little less durable if you’re dragging it around everywhere.