Delivery riders considered independent contractors, not entitled to minimum pay, sick leave, annual leave. Uber pays $2 or $3 per kilometre, spends millions on advertisements.

    2 years ago

    That’s funny, because I usually tip between 15-20 bucks and they still deliver to the wrong address or turn up 40 minutes late 60% of the time.

    Also, they don’t respect road laws, ride mopeds in the bike lane and then try to hide behind “But the clock was ticking!!!”

    My building super caught one guy pissing in the stairwell a few months ago.

    The job should be unionized, they should be required to have a license, insurance and clear identification should be required. They get paid reasonably, and they get to be accountable for their decisions on the road.

    …Then the only people who will be complaining are buggers who are too lazy to cook their own meals.