Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age | Factorio
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Today we are going to talk about the expansion which is called Factorio: Space Age.
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What is Factorio: Space Age?kovarex
Factorio: Space Age continues the player's journey after launching rockets into space. Discover new worlds with unique challenges, exploit their novel resources for advanced technological gains, and manage your fleet of interplanetary space platforms.
Vanilla Factorio ends by launching the rocket into space, so I always expected it to be quite obvious what we are going to do next.
Honestly the space platform related gameplay was actually planned a very long time ago, and we had shown a little bit in FFF-74.
I’ll wait for the updated cracked file. Sorry to the rest of the team but their lead dev is a collosal cunt.
? Care to expand on that?
They’re staunchly anti-sale, and the game will not ever be available at any kind of sale price. On top of that earlier this year they increased the price to “adjust for inflation”. When they announced it there was a reddit thread with plenty of criticism in the comments. He proceeded to come in hot, fling shit, and condescend to everyone with the attitude of a grade school bully. It was mildy entertaining tbh. They really need a PR person with a guy like that in the lead.
It’s a fair price. And well everything else has increased in price and especially for Europeans like most of Wube staff.
That’s a valid opinion that I disagree with. My opinion on the price isn’t why the guy sucks. It’s just another reason I won’t buy the game, personally. It’s just the basis for him acting like a damn fool on a public forum about it.
No need to come to their defense if you like that game, that’s cool. I’m just voting with my wallet for my own personal reasons. Simple as that.
Pirating isn’t really voting with your wallet.
Yeah, it’s the not buying it.
I mean yeah the price raise is a bit controversy but you getting a crack version doesn’t make you less so of an ass.
And not having sales isn’t a bad thing.
So what it went from $20 to $35? Game has been out for a long time and updated quite a bit in that time. Also if the devs don’t want to put it on sale… that’s their decision 🤷♂️
They don’t do any of the other bullshit other big game companies do, and $35 isn’t even close to the $60-70 other games with a much lower playtime ceiling charge.
Without actually reading the content itself, I’d hazard it probably wasn’t great for the dev to go off, but I understand how it could be incredibly annoying to have a bunch of people online crying about a small price increase for. A game they likely already owned.
I thought all of this went without saying, so I didn’t. That’s just stuff I personally dislike as a consumer. Nothing egregious about it.
It’s how the douchebag thinks it’s okay to treat other people is what turned me off of ever giving them business.
Actually only went from 30-35. I think the 20-30 was exiting early access. Regardless, I have 200 hours in the game and $30 (or now $35) is worth every penny.