• Tatar_Nobility@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    For my part, I didn’t quite enjoy the video. Johnny’s arguments are easily toppled by historical facts that he decided to skip in order to render his theory more attractive. For instance, while it’s true China witnessed a cycle of unity and division in its entire history, she equally witnessed long periods of unity, most notably under Qing (~300 years), Han (~400 years), and Xia (~500 years) dynasties.

    About the myth of “making China great again”, this was overstated; the peak of Chinese expansion was under Qing dynasty which dates no more than 40 years before the CCP came to power. Yet he didn’t mention it, and even claimed it never existed. Even his animations skipped from Ming straight to PRC, basically skipping half a millenium.

    Furthermore, modern day China is truly diverse and I’m glad Johnny mentioned that, but I’d like to add the diversity of those cultures is embedded in Chinese history due to the repetitive connections between them. Just like Harris, I too have maps up my sleeve:

    Xinjiang as part of Han Empire.

    The territorial monstrosity that Qing Empire is

    This is not to say that China’s large borders are not a result of militray expansion. But this is a plague that isn’t exclusive just to China, but expands to all unitary, centralized States.

    And finally, this “central authority” that Johnny is criticizing as unnatural and unorganic is somewhat fallacious. Though I would also argue against such ruling system but for different reasons. Johnny misinterpreted (if not totally ignored) integral parts of Chinese history, especially the fact that the notions of centralization and bureaucracy is a Chinese invention that dates back to the Qin dynasty (~2200 years ago) and played a large role in the political systems of later empires.

    (Sorry for typos)

    Edit: changed image of Qing

    Edit 2: fixed most typos

    • liskoOPM
      3 years ago

      This is the kind of quality response we are looking for