We need to name the refugees needlessly killed by Texas’ cruel border demagoguery.

  • Mirshe@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Let me put it this way: I don’t like kids running into my lawn to get their baseball. I ask them to stop, and I put up a fence. These are both fine.

    What I cannot do is place landmines behind that fence and sit on my porch with a shotgun to kill survivors.

    That’s actively what DeSantis and Abbott want to do : turn the entire border into a deathtrap where even attempting to cross is absolutely going to kill you, one way or another. I believe at least one of the candidates last cycle DID bring up mining the entirety of the border. They want to make the US border look more like No-Man’s-Land in the Somme rather than the Berlin Wall or the Korean DMZ.