Easy Red 2 is already released for Xbox too! It plays wonderfully on steam deck as well! (use gyro aim!), flying the fighter bomber planes is a blast with the steam deck controls! (or a gamepad).

Shanghai - Nanking Campaign trailer


I know I am sharing a post for dlc for a game… and I also know I recommend Easy Red 2 a lot but it is because the game deserves so much more attention.

Let me try to convince you:

  1. The base game is cheap, under $10 for a multiplayer battlefield-like game with no bullshit microtransactions, no liveservice nonsense, no required account creation and login and necessary anti-cheat creepy access to your computer… it is just a game you buy for ~$9 and play either online or offline.

  2. The gunplay is good, like… maybe not the best game ever but it is satisfying, guns feel realistic, machine guns behave like big bulky machine guns, this is a fun fps just on the merits of its core fps mechanics.

  3. This game has big maps with TONS of different historically accurate!!! vehicles. Tanks, half tracks, trucks, jeeps, tanks with rocket artillery strapped to the top, oddball tanks that went obsolete quickly into the war… the list goes on.

  4. The AI gunners are good enough (not amazing by any means) that if you just want to chill and drive a tank around and let your crew blast away infantry/bots you can. Or you can take control of the driving and firing and handle everything yourself.

  5. Want to botbash ravenfield style? You can. You can do it with friends in a private multiplayer game or in a multiplayer game, pvp or pve.

  6. The game runs well on potatoes, I have zero issues running Easy Red 2 on my steam deck, which also means relatively good battery life!

  7. There is quite a bit of DLC, but it is interesting DLC that attempts to explore the full historical span of WW2 battles rather than just hyperfocus on the pop culture touchstones that usually get retold in movies and games. This is fun both from just the plain variety to scenarios, landscapes, equipment and vehicles that the DLC offers, but also from a WW2 history nerd who doesn’t just want to see another D-Day level it is much more interesting.

