• XIIIesq@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’ve worked with food for long shifts before.

    Your hands sweat. If you wear waterproof gloves for just a few minutes, they start to fill with sweat! This is fine for a few minutes but after a few hours your skin will be horrible, after a few days it will be horrific with your hands red raw and large chunks of your skin rubbing off easily.

    Think about what your hand looks like after ten minutes in the bath, now imagine they are in a bath filled with your own sweat for 8 hours a day five days a week for month after month.

    For anyone who has had to wear “hygienic” gloves for prolonged periods, it is obvious why you would not want your food preppers wearing them all day, unless you want your sandwich made by sickly sweaty hands that are constantly shedding skin and sweat at the wrists.

    The people in this thread who don’t want their sandwich touched by a dirty poor person that is too unreliable to wash their own hands need to take a good look at themselves. Realise that maybe you don’t know what you’re talking about, have a little faith in your fellow man and get out of your arse!