"It's so perfect as a great and cherished state. Keeping, 'Oh, Canada,' the national anthem, I love it. I think it's great. Keep it. But it'll be for the state."
To be honest, Canada partly has itself to blame. They let Russia interfere in US elections for a decade at this point but didn’t lift a finger to interfere for the other side that respects them. That attitude needs to end.
Edit: People seem to be misreading this? I’m saying Canada should interfere in US elections. Everyone who hates democracy is already doing it and Canada/Europe is letting them win.
This can’t be real. There’s no way you actually believe this. Or is this just another conservative talking point? Imagine being this dumb to come up with this stuff and believe it.
this comment adds zero value to the discussion because you’re not even being specific about what your insults are referring to, it’s just insults with zero context
I’m pretty sure you misread what I said, but I’m not sure because ^
Yes, I do believe this and I think it’s a pretty obvious thing to believe at this point.
Lmao the Fuck?? The USSA did Fuck all about its election interference. They welcomed it. Made a whole fucking party off of it. Then WON. None of that has anything to do with Canada.
My honest response is because it is not the right thing to do. It’s like when people loot - someone smashes a window and starts to gank shit, and then everyone else joins in to get something for themselves at the expense of the business. It’s a shitty thing to do.
To be honest, Canada partly has itself to blame. They let Russia interfere in US elections for a decade at this point but didn’t lift a finger to interfere for the other side that respects them. That attitude needs to end.
Edit: People seem to be misreading this? I’m saying Canada should interfere in US elections. Everyone who hates democracy is already doing it and Canada/Europe is letting them win.
That’s some real victim-blaming shit… What exactly did you expect Canada to do to counter Russian election interference in another sovereign nation?
Interfere themselves. The US media landscape is dominated by right wingers, backed by Russia. Canada could help the other side.
Isn’t that just as bad as Russia doing it?
No, it’s better. Because they people who are doing it don’t suck.
meanwhile, in freedom land
This can’t be real. There’s no way you actually believe this. Or is this just another conservative talking point? Imagine being this dumb to come up with this stuff and believe it.
Lmao the Fuck?? The USSA did Fuck all about its election interference. They welcomed it. Made a whole fucking party off of it. Then WON. None of that has anything to do with Canada.
Maybe it should. Why let Russia be the only country that gets to weigh in on foreign elections?
My honest response is because it is not the right thing to do. It’s like when people loot - someone smashes a window and starts to gank shit, and then everyone else joins in to get something for themselves at the expense of the business. It’s a shitty thing to do.