The encrypted messaging app Signal has stopped responding to requests from Ukrainian law enforcement regarding Russian cyberthreats, a Ukrainian official claimed, warning that the shift is aiding Moscow’s intelligence efforts.
People need to learn how E2EE (End to End Encryption) works. It’s not that Signal refuses to cooperate with Ukraine, it’s that they can’t from technical reasons of E2EE.
Signal can’t read or intercept messages, at best they can log IPs and that’s about it. Which are useless if both parties are using VPN or other IP obfuscation methods.
It’s same with ProtonMail for example. The most they can log are IPs, metadata and subjects that are visible to them. And that’s it. They can’t access or read messages unless they create backoors on login page that access users decrypted data locally. That’s why creepy governments are so annoyed by encryption (looking at you UK you creeps as well as Australia and also Germany from recebt news and I didn’t even mention ones like Russia…).
People need to learn how E2EE (End to End Encryption) works. It’s not that Signal refuses to cooperate with Ukraine, it’s that they can’t from technical reasons of E2EE.
Signal can’t read or intercept messages, at best they can log IPs and that’s about it. Which are useless if both parties are using VPN or other IP obfuscation methods.
It’s same with ProtonMail for example. The most they can log are IPs, metadata and subjects that are visible to them. And that’s it. They can’t access or read messages unless they create backoors on login page that access users decrypted data locally. That’s why creepy governments are so annoyed by encryption (looking at you UK you creeps as well as Australia and also Germany from recebt news and I didn’t even mention ones like Russia…).