Last time I got the logistics all run for the Refinery inputs, so next up was the outputs.
Also a little bit of decoration for an entrance, where the inputs are coming into the building.
After that, I needed power for the Miners.
That SHOULD be everything needed for minimum-viable functionality, so let’s run a little testing.
For testing, I’ll need power, so might as well go ahead and get most of the tubeway built out. Not all of it, though. If you notice, the basic tubeway blueprint is elevated 4m above the base height of the anchor foundations I laid out. We’ll need this space eventually for a total of 8 belts worth of resources we’ll need to run underneath there.
That also means I’ll need to rebuild a portion of the existing tubeway, where the branch begins, in order to have the heights match up, and to make room to continue running the belts elsewhere. I’ll deal with that later.
Alright, temporary power connection made, let’s see what mistakes we’ve made.
Right away, I find I forgot to run power for the Water Extractors.
Then I remembered I need pumps.
Every machine seems to be producing, now, so I call that a win.
Filling in all the belts under the tubeway, up to the first junction, where more will join in, and this sub-factory is done for now.
Man, it’s not even DONE yet.