As a former PRC Citizen, this fucking hurts.
Why is every country I step foot in, either a dictatorship, or is becoming, a dictatorship?
I mean, the ones that aren’t welcoming them would still think everything is normal.
Hence, the ones that are pro immigration would be like: “Yeaa… welcome… btw we kinda have a wannabe dictator for president… but enjoy your stay 🙃”
Because we’re living in an age that, I feel anyways, have forgotten why it was that things became to be after World War II.
And since the memory of World War II has faded every decade since, it has allowed dictatorship to take new forms in the modern age and was allowed to rapidly grow. We’re now facing a modern day form of dictatorship and it’s not great for anyone. America has long held the reputation that it wouldn’t ever lower itself to such standards. But, a lot of deliberately misinformed and careless Americans have allowed psychos to bring down that reputation to such standards.
I feel the reputation of the US was more that they can’t imagine themselves being lowered to this, rather than that they wouldn’t do it.
This is what happens when you allow a voice to everyone. Stupid people shouldn’t have such a reach.
Hmm, I’d say it is about smart people reaching stupid (I prefer the term uneducated) people with content that corrupts them.
US neglected the fact that a proper democracy needs well educated people with own opinions to not collapse. Own opinions, like being able to say way that is the own opinion and upon what facts it is built upon.
Additionally learning to have/feel empathy is just as important.
Well, citizens living under democraties should really start to realize that human rights need to be protected continously. Once we let our guard down and take them for granted, that’s when authoritarians are able to dismantle them one by one.
A lot of Americans are hurt, too, but that’s nothing compared to what you’re dealing with.
Even though there’s been plenty wrong with our country, at least we knew we could become a home for people who needed it. Not a great home, but at least we could provide basic security. Now we can’t even manage that.
Is that trump’s plan? Make America so unappealing that refugees and migrants will not want to come here? “Immigration crisis solved!”