Total goober, this one.
Even if they’re pedipalps, holding your hands like that is the universal goober flag.
Ah! So that’s why ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
Cthuvian translated
In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu lies dreaming.
The wormhole travelling monster decided to take a nap, as well, after its long journey from Kepler-1606b.
funny the monster is also sleeping … isnt it supposed to be awake to be scarry?
Yes and that’s it’s life long dream but it just wasn’t feeling like it, wanted a nap, and took a lazy night off.
looks a little like a zergling, cute!
“Wait, I live alone, who is snoring?!”
This monster has had enough bullshit for a day.
I also thought of a dark blob under the bed, we have the same demons man
Now that is a monster even adults are afraid of!