I’m not pro choice, I’m pro-abortion. As in, abortions should be the default. You should have to prove that you’re able to provide a healthy and stable environment to be allowed to have a kid.
I mean, you might be able to. I was mostly joking. I can see how abortion kind of is murder but also it kind of is just a clump of cells at first, that the parents should be able to decide if they want to allow to develop.
I’m not pro choice, I’m pro-abortion. As in, abortions should be the default. You should have to prove that you’re able to provide a healthy and stable environment to be allowed to have a kid.
blandford says Eugenics didn’t go far enough!
And I’m willing to bet that no matter how long I spend or how hard I try , I’ll never change your mind
I mean, you might be able to. I was mostly joking. I can see how abortion kind of is murder but also it kind of is just a clump of cells at first, that the parents should be able to decide if they want to allow to develop.