Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk signaled his country may seek access to nuclear weapons as he issued a warning that Europe could face war with Russia in the next few years.
Tusk told parliament in Warsaw on Friday that his country is in “serious talks” with France over President’s Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to use his country’s nuclear capabilities to defend European allies.
Yeah more nukes, more war !!! Bring it on !!
Clown take
All the current evidence is that no one starts a war with a nuclear power - all wars involving nuclear powers were started by them against a non nuclear power.
Don’t want war don’t invade. Pretty simple. What scares countries enough to not invade where words and treaties fail? Nukes.
It’s a shame you’re not out there advising them on this, instead of in your bedroom thousands of miles away, calling for more nuclear weapons.
I know I wish I could generate nukes at will and spread it across the world for all the countries to have being the nukes fairy.
It’s a shame you’re not out there advising them on this, instead of in your bedroom thousands of miles away, calling for more nuclear weapons.