Hi all,
New to Lemmy here, but I like what I’m seeing here! I came in the spirit of moving to buy things from the EU rather than the US and in that vein, I thought I’d start thinking about pedals. Over the past year I’ve been building a pedalboard that I’m quite happy with so far, but the 2/3 of the next pedals I have my eyes on in the long-term are from the US. I was wondering if anyone might have suggestions as to where/what to look for.
I am looking for alternatives either from the EU, or elsewhere other than the US for:
-Low-gain “transparent” overdrive (I was looking at the JHS morning glory)
-phaser pedal (I had been looking at the phase 95 for form factor and I like the phase 45 sound especially)
-a compressor pedal (I did not have anything in particular in mind here, yet).
I won’t buy all these at once, or even in the mediate future most likely, but as i become able to do so, it’s nice to have some ideas in mind.
Any and all advice is appreciated!
EU has quite a lot of builders, for dirt I’m a big fan of analogwise but I’m not sure he’s really got anything “transparent” or low gain.
You’ve still got jam pedals (who do all of the above), dreadbox (also synths), formula B, cornerstone, FT elettronica, AC noises, inverted cross pedals… There are quite a lot tbh, a good bet is also to check on your local used market website for musical instruments.
Might not be what you’re looking for but if anyone wants an overdrive or fuzz and wants to buy Canadian, I know a guy
Definitely worth looking at— looks cool, thanks :)
Feel free to crosspost to !buyeuropean@feddit.uk for wider reach
The crosspost icon is the one with two squares next to the star under the title
Oh, good shout. Will do! Appreciate the help too :)
I can tell you jhs pedals is owned by a religious nut job who is US based so I’d look elsewhere
Kinda curious where you got the but job part from. I watched a lot of his content on YouTube and knew he was religious, but a lot of americans are, so I didn’t thought anything about it.
But yeah definitely American based.
Agreed, he’s a weirdo. I personally like BOSS (Japan, right?), and my fave reverb is Specular Tempus (Indonesia).
Welcome to Lemmy, OP!
After a quick glance I can see why. That looks awesome!
Thanks for the welcome :)
Oh really? I had no idea. That’s a shame! Is it the guy who does all their videos? What variety of religious but job out curiosity?
I was already hoping to look elsewhere, so even more reason!
He’s some sort of Christian, there were a bunch of threads from the old site about how he acted online and stuff and treated small builders etc… some of the finer details escape me.
Ah I see. That’s really disappointing all around …
Bummer. I felt he had a strange vibe in general, but I kind of thought the dude seemed alright when I was watching his pedal modding videos…
Not sure if any of these companies make what you’re looking for but Ultimate Guitar put up this article last year: https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/articles/features/here_are_some_of_the_best_pedal_brands_made_in_europe-162130
I know Jam Pedals are highly regarded.
ThorpyFX - Not EU but UK and not US: https://thorpyfx.com/en-us
Dry Bell is from Croatia: https://reverb.com/shop/drybell
Empress Pedals is in Canada. Their compressor is well regarded.
Gamechanger Audio is in Latvia
Most of these are quite expensive just FYI.
I’ve actually had my eyes on the jam waterfall (chorus) for a time, but I found a different chorus pedal used for something like a fourth the price so it was hard to pass up. But it’s on my radar.
Thorpy and Dry bell both looks cool and I was unfamiliar. Thanks! (And for the article too)
Boss (Japan) is always a safe bet.
Behringer is European and cheap, but everything is made in China IIRC.
I also found this article.
I’ve got a couple boss ones (a looper which I’m very happy with) and an overdrive (which I appreciate, but just isn’t quite the sound I’m after).
Are Behringer any good? I’d always felt that it was too cheap to be good, but maybe that’s just a silly bias?
Thanks for the article— this is great
The Behringer pedals are identical circuit clones of classic pedals, but in a plastic case. I would not use them to play live, but in a home setup, they are fine.
@zagreas Some EU and UK contenders:
- Jacques Stompboxes: https://jacquespedals.com/ (France)
- Dr No: https://drno-effects.com/ (The Netherlands)
- British Pedal Company: https://www.britishpedalcompany.com/ (UK)
- TC Electronic: https://www.tcelectronic.com/ (Denmark)
- Carl Martin: https://www.carlmartin.com/ (Denmark)
- T-Rex: https://www.t-rex-effects.com/ (Denmark)
- Emma: https://www.emmaelectronic.com/ (Denmark)Thanks! A lot to look through here— much appreciated :)
Drolo makes excellent pedals. Maybe not the kind that you listed. And they are never in stock. But if you don’t mind being on a wait list and buying as soon as an email drops to you, it may be worth.
Lots of demo videos on what the pedals do.
Thanks! These look incredible. I’ve left this website wanting more pedals than I when I entered haha