They censure the guy who shouts the most obvious stuff the loudest.
The emperor has no clothes
He seems decent. I worry about his large campaign donors and PAC money. That is a lot of donations from real estate lobbyists. I dont see any private equity donations.
In the past, I would have thought Green to be an a-hole. Now I think he’s a stud.
Why an a-hole?
Not OP but I’m guessing because it is against decorum to shout like that. MTG and Boebert were assholes when they did it.
For the record I don’t consider Al Green an asshole, I’m just explaining what I took away from the other person’s comment.
When another Green did it to Biden, it was in fact because she’s a stupid asshole.
The problem we are now in is that the stupid assholes won control of every level of the federal government.