One of my goals for this year is to fly more, and fly further. I’ve got Mauritius, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea at the top of my list.
I know some people find airports to be stressful or a chore, but there’s something about just sitting in an airport cafe in the early hours of a sunny morning that gives this vibe I can’t really articulate. I just love it. I’m still like a little kid whenever the plane is taking off, and even in cruise I just can’t get over the fact that we’re travelling in a metal tube so high above the Earth at incredible speeds, and we could be on the other side of the world in less than a day! Getting a window seat is a must!
It makes me feel really proud to live in an era where it’s possible for us to fly to one continent to the next within hours…
I’ve only been flying as an adult once, during the pandemic when I could finally afford it (long story). But I loved everything about it, even what most people would consider an “inconvenience.” (didn’t have a seat-kicker, thankfully). I’m always seeking adventure and love new experiences, so I loved it!
Unfortunately can’t afford it again. Don’t you love our upside-down economy?
Oh seat-kickers are always so annoying LMAO
Sounds like you had a great time! Where did you go?