The Guardian has identified a trainee nurse and reported US air force reservist called Bailey Ross as the proprietor of a white nationalist publisher in South Dakota.

Ross was also a paid-up member of a white nationalist organization that marched at Charlottesville while enlisted in the United States Coast Guard.

Ross’s company, Agartha Publishing, is part of a wave of extremist publishers using mainstream e-commerce platforms such as Amazon to sell lavishly repackaged fascist and anti-communist books.

      • The uniforms, standing in lines, getting yelled at, yes sir no sir, saluting superiors, following orders.

        That’s the authoritarian state of mind. A lot of people find comfort in being told what to do. The military molds recruits to respect and follow authority.

          1 year ago

          Have you been in the military? You are describing boot camp and movies, from my experience in the Navy. Maybe it’s different in other branches but I suspect not.

          Also, none of that has anything to do with authoritarianism.