Pretend like I’m a game dev who came here to ask the question, even though I have no intentions of developing a tycoon game at this time :P maybe I will in the future, but for now, I’m just curious about what people have to say! Reading these types of threads where people share their thoughts and have a civil discussion about video games is always fun for me.

    5 days ago

    Capitalism 3 or whichever hasn’t been made yet. Basically a real life simulator where you simulate an entire city’s economy(or as much of it as the player needs, like in football manager or whatever) And you start as a guy with a set amount of cash and you can do whatever. You start a business and set some goals and that’s pretty much it.

    Not that many economy focused games out there, afaik. There’s offworld trading company, capitalism lab and stuff like Victoria 3, but they all have pretty restrictive rules and situations, if that makes any sense. Either wide and shallow or just too narrow.

    Honestly, if I were looking for a challenge, I’d rather play an mmo rpg and try to play those economies than play any of the single player games.

    Either that or a deeper version of Tropico. Where you can actually try and make your own paradise (or hell, of you want). I wanna be a benevolent autocrat and educate people into cooperation and shit. Or Give everyone UBI and see what happens… I dunno