The interval between the onset of symptoms and death has been 48 hours in the majority of cases, and “that’s what’s really worrying,” Serge Ngalebato, medical director of Bikoro Hospital, a regional monitoring center, told The Associated Press.
The latest disease outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo began on Jan. 21, and 419 cases have been recorded including 53 deaths.
According to the WHO’s Africa office, the first outbreak in the town of Boloko began after three children ate a bat and died within 48 hours following hemorrhagic fever symptoms.
You realize that you’re the one acting like their culture is weird because they don’t act like you do? The only person coming off as racist here is you buddy!
You’re the one implying that their culture is eating known high-risk disease vectors, you are the racist here bub, same as those rightoid loons who think Asians don’t use antibiotics and only “traditional medicine” and again, same as thinking that AIDS is “gay culture”.
You are so fucking out of touch you literally do not know what racism is.
You’re the one saying “why not eat something nice and normal”.
So get off your high horse, from the get go you’ve been the one acting like these people aren’t intelligent enough to eat normally.