The latest stun gun has already been bad for killing people imo. It was only good for stopping cashout steal, often if you stun a dude its just a warning for them to turn around and smoke you, you are often better off just gunning them down right off instead.

Compare stun gun effect vs receiving full flashbang effect. I guess flash is harder to land on a target than stun, but the disable on that is far far stronger than current stun gun effect. If they really don’t want people to be killed with it they should make the effect break on damage maybe?? longer cd i could accept also, but honestly this version has been fine i think

    23 days ago

    I mostly agree. I feel like the duration could have slightly been reduced to prevent a complete easy kill, but your point on the flashbang is absolutely true.

    I personally believe that they should reduce the flashbang duration, because sometimes I’ll find myself just sitting there for multiple seconds, on a completely blank white screen, just waiting to be capable of even playing again.