I’m an advocate for privacy, and anti-censorship(not that I’m a political person, but I personally think that one entity controlling everything could make somewhat of a rat box society), I’m confident that the fediverse platforms would one day be large enough to compete with popular sites like Twitter, Reddit, Youtube, etc. (given enough time for the website design/attractiveness, and user-friendliness, features, etc. to mature. )

But I feel like we won’t be achieving that reality anytime soon. at least in my speculations. if you look at the statistics, mastodon is 100x smaller than twitter, and also the fediverse gained almost 25% more users (which is just under a million) which is great but not enough. some viral impact, or a bigger influence is needed to get that number up.

TL;DR, the question; Is there some good ideas, marketing ideas, or anything conventional or non-conventional, that could help us gain more users?

Open to anything, as long as It’s possible to do, look outside the box, creative answers are very welcome.

some of the ideas so far;

  • [Dev Project] a Fediverse Game Store, with payment features, etc.

  • [Dev Project] Fediverse Forums Platform

  • [Dev project] making a fediverse search engine

  • [Dev project] ActivityPub Compliant Wordpress (as the First CMS target)

  • [bot] a meme bot for giving user points for reposting fediverse memes.

  • [fediverse feature request] Option to make watermarked image to crosspost.

  • [Community] Fediverse Youtube channel for fediverse related content. (Creator Awards, News, Podcast, and shoutouts to fediverse creators)

  • [Community] our own meme boards (is there something we can use that’s similar to 4chan?)

  • [Community] A page for lists of things that people can do to promote the fediverse

  • [Community] A page for a detailed-comparison of Fediverse platforms and Corporate platforms, to serve as a guide to the developers of Fediverse. more info

  • [Microblogging] user experience related Improvements, etc. see thread

Tags; [Community] [Dev Project] [Bot] [feature request] …

edit: I’m going to start a community organization based on this… if you have ideas for the name of our community, please post it here; https://lemmy.ml/post/56996

Thank you all for your input, I’ll try to summarize what we just discussed later, also thank you for participating in this discussion, I’ll have some of the ideas put into motion in the near future.

please continue posting your ideas here if you have some, maybe something useful can come up for the community to use

  • sibachian@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    monetization for users is definitely one of the problems we’re faced regardless of platform in todays online environment and culture, but it’s especially problematic for peertube. no youtube content creator will ever be willing to migrate as their main goal of creating youtube content is to monetize it and no aspiring video creator is interested in producing content they can’t monetize due to the work involved in producing quality video as any view they gain on peertube is a direct loss on potential income from youtube.

    one way to migrate and populate the fediverse could both be by distributing crypto to content creators as well as allow users to directly monitize their browsing routines. i mean, take Brave browser for example, you get paid just by using the browser - that alone encourages users to drop whatever browser they use today and start using Brave, and r/CryptoCurrency on reddit distribute crypto based on your monthly karma accumulation on their sub which has massively populated the sub in recent months (aided by the goldrush for crypto).

    • Gwynne@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      alot of people here don’t like crypto (for a good reason), one of the more successful and even more monetizable platforms than youtube is lbry/odysee which is a crypto-based platform. while I want a good solution I want to also push more ethical and methods that are still good for the environment.

      I can’t explain it well yet since I haven’t read the book, here’s a discussion about it; https://lemmy.ml/post/57150

      • sibachian@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        there really isn’t a good reason imo. this whole anti-crypto movement stems from PoW (proof of work), which is shit, and modern functional crypto either never had it, or are moving away from it. there are options out there which are no more damaging to the environment than lemmy itself (i mean, we still need computers/phones/servers and power to use this service; which is damaging the environment). and not all crypto is unethical money grabs or ponzi schemes. the technology itself has a wide range of utility beyond monetary gains, and even on a monetary level cryptocurrency is only a bad idea as far as money is a bad idea in general. and even then, to create a foundation of ethical and environmental utility based crypto with a wide range of utility in all sectors of society, and encouraging wide adaption through content creators and users moving to a platform where they make money for themselves, is just a good foundation where everybody wins, intentionally or not on the users part, even if the mission of the crypto itself is not to function as a currency or wealth accumulation; the goal itself is a motivator that just helps push the cause further.

        regardless. for there to be any growth in todays climate and culture of the internet. without monetization, there is just no way to challenge big corporations. creators use these tools, such as twitter, facebook, youtube, etc. to make money. and users use them because that’s where they will find content and likeminded users. gone are the days of just raw community for the sake of community, where every site has a phpBB and every community has an IRC channel. today, everyone will move to where there is money to be made, because capitalism has corrupted every level society and there is no way to participate in society without either making money or losing money.

        i would love for there to be a growing socialist consensus leading to communism, but in reality, we can’t challenge the current structure of capitalism until we get the average user on board, and the only way to do that is show them a better tomorrow for themselves through the only system they have ever known, and go from there.

        • Gwynne@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          i would love for there to be a growing socialist consensus leading to communism, but in reality, we can’t challenge the current structure of capitalism until we get the average user on board, and the only way to do that is show them a better tomorrow for themselves through the only system they have ever known, and go from there.

          okay, alright. I have no words.

          so we don’t have much of a chance in changing the world, if we don’t gather more people into the fediverse first. anyway, I hope you can join this project of mine if you are willing to volunteer. I need alot of people to help me do this. if so, wait until I’m ready.

          • sibachian@lemmy.ml
            3 years ago

            so we don’t have much of a chance in changing the world, if we don’t gather more people into the fediverse first.

            kinda? but, while there is plenty of monetization going on over at reddit the vast majority of users are there to exchange information between each other rather than worshipping trend setters etc. which i think gives lemmy a unique advantage in the federated space to grow its userbase and encourage users to explore other platforms within the fediverse. but, content creators are one of the main driving force for user growth anywhere, even here, and they won’t participate on platforms that could actively cut into their income.

            anyway, I hope you can join this project of mine if you are willing to volunteer. I need alot of people to help me do this. if so, wait until I’m ready.

            i don’t think there’s much i can do to contribute, my main expertise is in user motivation and manipulation (marketing).