• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    This is what we need…

    "I fundamentally believe that our party is grounded in the values, principles, and aspirations of the working class. As chair of the DNC, that belief will guide my decisions and approach in the years ahead. In contrast, in only his first month in office, it’s become abundantly clear Donald Trump doesn’t give a damn about the kitchen-table issues that matter to most Americans,” Martin explained in the memo. “Trump and the billionaire advisors he has surrounded himself with don’t give a damn about what it takes for a working family to put food on the table and keep a roof above their heads – let alone make a better life for themselves and their loved ones.”

    Martin wasn’t my first pick, but I’m still happy he got it, and looking forward to Dems getting back to the FDR stuff over the neoliberal bullshit.

    We need to be the anti-establishment party again.

  • xenomor@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    While this letter says a lot of correct things and things that sound good, I find no comfort in it or anything to indicate that Democrats are mobilizing to actually accomplish anything at all. It talks a lot about how trump is bad, how Musk is bad, and how Project 2025 is bad. True, true, and true. It waxes fondly about labor and the working class. Great, thanks. It doesn’t, however, say anything about what they are doing, or going to do. What policies are they going to advance? What positions are they adopting, beyond vague platitudes? Why should anyone believe that their interests are now aligned with the working class after they’ve spent the last few weeks courting and reassuring super wealthy donors in Silicon Valley? What are they claiming has changed since they blew the last election?

    Democrats need to learn that no one cares what’s in their hearts. No one cares that you are a good person, or that you have the best of intentions, or you have a great backstory. No one cares that you’re smart, or better qualified than the other guy. All they want to know is what are you going to do, and how are you going to do it. Then, when handed power, you have to actually, ya know, do those things.

    I know that this letter isn’t the sum total of Democratic Party strategy, but there’s nothing here to indicate that the party has learned anything from the smoldering wreckage of their last forty years of activity. There’s nothing here to indicate that they’re prepared to fight the existential disaster being unfurled by the fascist administration, a cucked congress and corrupt court.

    If this letter had merit, it would include things like:

    “…and that is why we are going to change course. To assure that the policies we pursue are aligned with the working class, we are going to reject large donations from billionaires and corporations…”

    “…so we will push for the specific polices that manifest these values, including….”

    “…until we achieve a position of power, we will focus on spreading awareness of the true divide in this country. The people need to know that their real enemies are not immigrants, or trans kids. Their true enemies are the billionaires, the oligarchs, and the unaccountable corporate machines that…”

    Until Democrats start doing these things, they will continue losing elections to the worst people in the world. And, when they do manage to win, they will continue to enable the worst people in the world. None of the current awfulness would have been possible, without the incompetence and malice of a Democratic Party that became decoupled from the interests of the vast majority of Americans decades ago. There’s nothing in this letter that indicates a re-coupling. Instead, there’s a lot of happy talk that, through years of inaction, the electorate has been trained to no longer believe.

  • Verdant Banana@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    fuck you Democrats

    y’all have been nowhere when the minimum wage needed to be increased at least three times the current set limit just to start to put a dent in being able to afford to live and have rubbed shoulders with Republicans at celebrity filled galas while your voters begged for floor time to talk about current issues

    even Roe v. Wade fell on your watch and Democrats never bothered to do much in the decades between when it was first ruled and now to begin with

    nothing but empty promises about workers’ rights and universal healthcare

    Democrats quit being a political party that serves the people a long time ago and some new face is not going to change anything

  • shoulderoforion@fedia.io
    22 days ago

    Dude’s ripping up the underpinnings of The American democratic institution of Checks and Balance, upon which litterally everything else relies on for legitimacy, so “pro worker” “union focus”, mmmmmmm, okay i guess, but points to litteraly everything burning. This position needs to be a wartime consiglierie, not some pie in the sky “we’ll get em next election”, without checks and balances, there is no constitutional law, there are no elections, there is no republic

  • HorreC@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    These are left of center talking points, there is no way they mean them, they are just wanting power again and getting unions isnt a bad way to go.